Thursday, May 8, 2008

everyone loves love

I decided it would be a great idea to have ANOTHER blog. Over the years I have gone through many blogging adventures. As I consider myself one of the "Founding Mothers of the Blog" my first post was circa March 1998. I would update everyone on what exciting events happened during my 9th-grade earth science class or what field trips I did or did not go on. As I got older and more depressed about my life I would STILL update my blog with the events of the day, which boyfriend sucked now, where I ate dinner and other stupid information that would have been useful to stalkers. I had a blog about running down my street and the 2004 presidental election , 3 blogs with the same posts c&p'd and even a secret blog that had even MORE depressing details about being depressed.

But this is not a blog about being depressed. This is a blog...

ABOUT THE LOVE BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN. A SPECIAL KIND OF LOVE (but no more special than the love between a woman and a woman or a man and a man).

This is a blog about our long engagement and our attempt to have a wedding of ANY kind and a honeymoon at Disney World.

It will probably still be depressing.

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