That night I was standing in the closest looking for something (or maybe unpacking? I don't know exactly WHY I was in there) and noticed that it was 11:59pm. I said, "Oh, it's the last minute of your birthday! Happy birthday!!!!" I continued doing whatever it was that I was doing and after it turned midnight I said, "Aww. It's not your birthday anymore. Did you have a good birthday?" He said, "Yes. Because I got to spend it with you."
I was like, "Oh, that's nice.... but we spend every day together."
But then Chris hugged me and said how happy he was to be with me and how he wanted to marry me and if I wanted to marry him. I was like, "of COURSE I do." And he was like... "so... WILL you marry me?" And I said, "Are you seriously asking me right now?"
"You're REALLY asking me? You're ACTUALLY proposing to me?"
"Yes. Will you?"
"Well... I mean, yes! Should we change our status on facebook?"
Chris said how he didn't have a ring yet but he did have something else. The "something else" was this little book, "A Lovely Love Story." This book is amazing and everyone who has emotions should love it. We both cried a little and then talked about a ring. We looked online at how much they cost and how much we HAD and decided to go to Zales the next morning.
When we were driving up there Chris said, "Now let's not be hasty with this. We can look around at the other stores before deciding." And I was all, "I know!" but we sure did chose pretty much the first ring we saw. It mean, it was in our price range, it wasn't too big (I'm afraid of big diamonds. I didn't want anything bigger than .25 carat and even THIS terrified me) and it came with diamond coverage. We paid in cash with exact change (THANK YOU, LEFT OVER PER DIEM!!!!) and then we said goodbye since my fingers are small and I needed it resized.
That afternoon the theatre threw the company a pizza party and I pulled our friend Ben aside. We decided not to tell anyone except Ben until we got the ring back because everyone would have been like, "Lemme see your RING!" and I would have had to say, "It's... uh... not here..." But, as Ben was leaving town before we would get the ring back, and we love him, we decided to tell him. He was THRILLED and we hugged and he just couldn't believe it. I emphasized how he couldn't tell anyone in town and as we walked back to Chris, who was standing in a group of people, Ben said, "Congratulations on a fourth tour. I am so happy for you to be back." And then they hugged and I said, "AWWW! BOYS!" and giggled a lot.
I only had the diamond card (featured in the picture above) for a little over a week. I looked at it several times a day and each time I would ask Chris if he SERIOUSLY wanted to marry me. Zales said the latest the ring would come back was April 12th but on the 6th I called them and they said it was ready. The next morning we picked it up and I have been starring at my hand since that moment.
When we got home from the store I told everyone I could find at the houses and the theatre. I tried to do the thing where you don't say anything but keep gesturing with your left hand until they notice... but NO ONE NOTICED. Half the time they'd look RIGHT AT the ring and not get it. The next day we had a company meeting to greet the new residence troupe and I told everyone there right after I introduced myself. I said something along the lines of, "Hi, I'm Alisa and I'm in the touring troupe... and WHY IS MY LEFT HAND SO HEAVY????? OH, it must be because Chris and I are ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I was able to keep this ridiculousness up for about a week, until the end of the engagement party Ginna and Ellen threw us. I still ask Chris if he still wants to marry me and if he was serious in the first place, but I think I have calmed down enough to live a normal life.
I'm still starring at my hand, though.
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