Later that year Chris and I both took a musical theatre dance class and we were also both cast in Kent's production of Guys and Dolls (me as Agatha, him as Nathan Detroit). I was in my first semester of being a musical theatre major and I was so shy I hardly knew (or spoke to) anyone at school. Suffice it to say Chris and I did not know each other. He knew that I existed on this planet and I knew he was "the funny one" of the grad students who performed in G&D with a broken hand. We were probably at many of the same parties and obviously in the same room at the same time but I was only brave enough to speak to one grad student and that was Cliff.
Right after he graduated Chris moved to Virginia to work for the American Shakespeare Center and I worked the summer of 2003 at the Huron Playhouse. I went to school for one more year and then moved to Los Angeles in September 2004 to be with a boyfriend I had met at Huron. Things were okay for a while but a little over a year later I was moving back to Ohio in tears. I started school again in the spring (Terri Kent was nice enough to just let me back in to the BFA program) and was cast that summer in Porthouse Theatre's 2006 production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Chris had also recently been dumped (apparently I stopped trying to mince words) and came back to Ohio after 3 tours with the ASC to perform in Our Town and JCS at Porthouse. I remember looking at the cast list during the last week of school and thinking "Chris Seiler.... I remember him. I think I want to know that guy this year."
My parents had recently just moved to Huron, Ohio (where my infamous love affair began) and I spent the months of May and June basically doing nothing but once in a while trying to learn music for the summer. When Porthouse rehearsal started and I moved back to Kent to live with 3 of my best friends (not to mention the fact that nearly ALL my friends were working there that summer. It was wonderful) I was significantly less shy than I was in 2002 but moreso, I had learned how to handle being shy in most cases. P-House always had this Thursday night bowling thing and the first Thursday I was there I re-introduced myself to Chris. I told him we were in G&D together and that "I was the girl who carried the sign." He remembered the sign... he seemed confused of who I was, though. Later he said that this was because I was wearing my glasses that night. A few nights later we happened to both be at the same place during the fourth of July and he said that he completely remembered who I was (now that I had my contacts in). After that day we started one of those ridiculous, flirty friendships where you constantly tell each other you hate them but still go sit next to them and talk to them as much as possible.
I didn't know that I LIKED Chris until July 14 or 15. My friend Allison Nacht was listening to Alanis Morissette's Under Rug Swept album and the song "21 Things I Want in a Lover" came on. I decided, after having been in 3 really crappy relationships, that I needed to get my priorities straight and made my own list of 21 things. Things on this list included:
- Lover of Maps
- Not socially awkward
- Very nice
- plays guitar
- Scripps Spelling Bee enthusiast
- Interested in what I do
- Animal lover
Over the next, well, apparently TWO days (summer stock theatre throws you into a time warp. everything seems like it happened in 2 weeks even if it happened over the course of an hour) I would occasionally ask him if he did or did not do or like whatever thing was on my list. Chris met 17 of the 21 things! I didn't even make this list with him in mind. I didn't even know I REALLY liked him until July 16th. I told all my friends that I did on July 17th and on the 19th I made my friend Jessie ask him for a ride to the theatre and to covertly let it slip that I liked him.
I figured I had nothing to lose in this situation since he would be moving at the end of the summer to NYC but I still wonder why I didn't just say something myself instead of making Jessie tell him like we were in elementary school.
Anyway, Jessie, after unsuccessfully trying to bring UP the subject, in panic mode, at the last minute, blurted out, "I THINK MY ROOMMATE LIKES YOU." Chris smiled and said, "who's your roommate?" She said, "Alisa Ledyard. Do you know her?" he said that of course he knew me and then paused for a couple of seconds and said "Well, maybe I like your roommate, too." After this the conversation gets sketchy but I do know that Jessie told him that he SHOULD like me because "[she's] well read and well written"--a line I told her to say. Chris had no idea what this meant exactly but I know that later that night he told our mutual friend Adam about the situation and that he thought it was great.
BACK TO ME. So, I was sitting at my grandma's house doing laundry when Jessie called to tell me what happened. I started speaking in my really high, nervous voice but I was thrilled. The next day I reverted back to a 5 year old and could barely look at him, let alone talk to him or even stop giggling for 3 seconds until our lunch break at rehearsal. Finally, I went to where he was and said, "So. I assume you know what was said last night."
"(ridiculous giggling) I feel like I'm 5 years old."
"Because I made my friend tell you.... what she told you. And now I can't stop laughing."
"Well, you know I hate you, right?"
"So... do you want to go out sometime?"
"(teeheehee) Yes!"
And then we did. And then we fell in love. And then we were in a long distance relationship for a year before I, too, got a job with the ASC after graduation and we both went on tour, the contract for which ends in a little over a month.
The story of our love amazingly comes full circle. I had completely forgotten about the poster I gave to Chris's friend, Adam, until this past summer when we were in rehearsal for our shows. The touring troupe of the ASC performs 3 shows in repertory for a year. Our shows are The Taming of the Shrew, Henry V, andThe Merchant of Venice. Both of our biggest roles are in Merchant which is only funny if you think back to the first interaction I had with Chris in my life---asking him if he thought Adam would like a poster of the entire text of The Merchant of Venice.
It's not, you know, AMAZING or anything... but I think it's nice. :)
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