Friday, May 16, 2008

preliminary "plans" part 2

So, a couple of years ago I was sitting at my computer and had this GREAT idea to, if I ever got married, have the pre-ceremony music be (almost all of) the first half of The Beatles' White Album and to walk down the aisle to "I Will." I didn't necessarily think "I Will" is the best song in the world, nor is it like... my "dream aisle-walking music" but it was appropriate and in a good place to stop the album ("Julia" for some reason really scares me so it, "Piggies," and "Why Don't We Do It In the Road?" would be omitted from this soundtrack).

I decided never to tell anyone about this until I was engaged. I did actually tell my friend Griffin one day and then another day I told my three Porthouse roommates, but I never tell anyone I was dating about this awesome plan.

Now, I thought, since Chris is also a fan of the Beatles, that he would be all over this idea. I figured as soon as I told him he'd say something like, "THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOU!!!!!! YOU JUST GET ME!!!" This did not happen. In fact, he seems lukewarm at best to the idea. I think he's not as enthusiastic about it because of the song omissions that would have to be made. It just wouldn't be the White Album. Plus, I can't imagine anything other than "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys playing as we walked away from the alter into the future and that just has nothing to do with anything. People would be like, "Uhhh... you HAD a theme, what happened to it?" de Loutherbourg would be rolling over in his grave if he knew of this!

I also had an idea that is filled with trickery. This idea included pretending the wedding had a garden theme and titling it "In Bloom." People would think it was going to be some nice wedding filled with flowers and centerpieces of potted plants and whatnot. But then I'd totally walk down the aisle to NIRVANA'S "In Bloom." I mean, how inappropriate and yet, HILARIOUS, would that be? Totally.

Anyway, we probably won't even have an aisle so I guess that takes care of the problem of finding music to walk down it. If we got married in a church someone else must have intervened heavily. I feel like we're going to get married in the same room we have the "reception" which will also probably be a hotel. If we're lucky, though, maybe it'll be the hotel my dad works at, Maui Sands Resort (like that plug?), and at least the music of the Beach Boys would make complete sense.

In other news, if you're me, you've registered for as many we-will-pay-for-this-part-of-your-wedding contests as you can possibly find in a desperate attempt to win something. Now you are getting postcards from vendors (as they call them) in northeast Ohio who want you to register for their registries, buy their photography packages and book your honeymoon through them. WELL THE JOKE IS ON THEM: I can't afford ANY of those things! I could certainly register for gifts but I do feel kind of bad telling people to buy me things when I can't even give them a real dinner. Maybe if I took one person out to eat every month it'd be okay.

Also, we were at Wal-mart the other night (I had to buy some new dish sponges. It was an emergency) and they had an absurd amount of wedding paraphernalia . Aisle runners, place cards, bouquets, flower petals, invitations and thank you cards, all sorts of decorations.... God, if I ever make Wal-mart my one-stop WEDDING shop there is an even bigger problem in my life. I mean, I might buy those chicken fingers and crackers in bulk from Sam's Club but if I am wearing a rhinestone tiara that matches my lame, cheap Wal-mart wedding band I'll have obviously spent way to much time in a tanning bed. If I am spending ANY time in a tanning bed you can know I need real help because I'm already freaked out about this one mole on my ribcage... WHERE DID IT COME FROM????

1 comment:

A Quiet Man with a Loud Voice said...

I fully and one-hundred percent support the In Bloom idea. So much I will probably steal it for my wedding and not tell anyone NOT EVEN the bride.

She'll be all ready to walk down the garden aisle to pretty music and that song will come on and then I'll laugh and say, "Ha-ha! Gotcha!"

And then we'll get an early start on the martial discord thing and it will be awesome.