I wasn't going to post the following picture because it's too funny and I wanted it to be a surprise... but then... I decided I had to. I had given up hope of finding a cake topper that I liked. I was searching etsy (as I am wont to do) while at work last Monday and I found a seller called nakedpeggies. What I originally found were two characters from the Royal Tenenbaums (which I almost used) but then I asked IF she would be able to do a customized version of us for the cake within the week. She could. She did. I screamed when I saw this picture.

How funny and awesome are these things!?!?! I keep saying that it looks EXACTLY like Chris... even without the nose and mouth. BUT IT DOES, DOES IT NOT?? If you click on the photo and see the enlarged version you'll see how she did the necklace, boutonniere and flower headband as well as matching Chris' shirt and tie exactly. The best part is that we can totally put these on a shelf or something after the wedding and they won't look ridiculous. They'll just continue to look awesome. Anyway, I had to post it because... I just had to.
I bought lipstick today. I'm trying to drink a lot of water. We got all kinds of travel products the other day for Disney World and things like sunscreen. And toothpaste. Tomorrow we are going to pack. I can't believe tomorrow we are going to pack. I mean... that's unbelievable. This is going to happen one week from today. I mean, one week from right now we'll already be married. Sometimes I think I live more inside my imagination than not so it's almost hard to comprehend.
Now I am obsessively checking the weather....
I'll try to post before Saturday, but I might not be able to. I'm kind of busy losing my mind over here. I will also TRY to post some pictures on Sunday of Saturday night.