Ok, so here is what is happening. I took my blue dress in to Jenny and she is going to tailor it. She also had this old, ivory gown from the 60s that she suggested I try on. I was like "I dunno... it's long and

I wanted a short dress." She told me we could shorten it. I still didn't think I'd like it, but then I put it on and I was like "OH! This looks really good!" So, she's basically taking a vintage gown, shortening the length, taking off the straps and I am exchanging babysitting for these superb tailoring services.
So, it turns out I'm going to be wearing white-ish after

all. I'm going to wear the blue dress to the pre-(weddding) reception. I will call this event the PWR from now on because I am lazy. This also will make it less awkward when I wear it to auditions and other things later. It
also leaves me open to chose the bouquet I REALLY wanted (on the left), which I thought would be too much color with the blue dress. HOORAY! All I had to do was try something on and all my dreams came true!! (This bouquet is paper and denim and I love it and always have.)
I think I also might buy this fabric bouquet that arrived in my life last night (thank you,
etsy), for my sister. We're not having a wedding party, per se,

but if there's going to be anyone, it's going to be my sister. (She'll be the one dressed like the national guard.) Or MAYBE I'll see them both and suddenly decide I like the fabric one better and switch their places around. You know I like to change my mind about things. (Maybe I should buy the cheaper one first and then decide if I want the other one, too. At least I am learning.)
Alyssa has started our invitation designs and not only are they going to be crazy life-like, they are also HILARIOUS. Both Chris and I started laughing when she showed us her sketch. I can't wait until we copy them on a copy machine and send them away to people.
I've been thinking about favors recently. I'm not crazy about the whole idea of favors. They seem like such a waste of... everything. Unless, of course, you are able to give GOOD favors. One wedding I went to gave hand-made ceramic vases and things (the bride did it for a living. It was awesome). At my friend Alison's wedding she had really nice soap. I really liked that soap a lot. I mean, soap is pretty common but it has a purpose. Everyone can use soap so it won't just get thrown away. It will melt away as it cleanses so it serves its purpose and then it's GONE. You can always remember it (like I'm doing now). I was thinking seed packets because, you know, seeds grow into something and seeds are better for the environment than 150 things made out of plastic or aluminum that are just going to get thrown away anyway. Plus, we can't afford anything wonderful and the cheap stuff LOOKS cheap (golf tees, corkscrews, miniature ice cream scoops). I'd like to do the least amount of damage that I can. Over the weekend, though, I started thinking about making a donation instead of favors, probably to the Australian Red Cross. I don't think anyone can get mad at you for making a donation, unless it's to an organization they don't support, but who doesn't support relief for the victims of FIRE? And those poor koala bears!
If we did golf tees or whatever, I bet half the people wouldn't even take them. THEN what would we do? I'd have to take up golf! Not on my watch, folks!
Now I am on the lookout for shoes. Whatever I get, I better make sure they're returnable.
1 comment:
Thank you. As for your favours I think you should use small plastic eyes and then you could write here's looking at you kid. I promise to be the best bride henchmen I can be.
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